2014 Comm Games Update#04
Today has offered a variety of winds and strength for the 10 shots @ 600 and 900yds and 15 shots at 500.
Competitors are given a roster with their entry cards as to what time and where you are going to shoot their matches. Both the long range and short range operate at the same time. So some folk may shoot a particular range at 8-30 in the morning, and someone else get their spot anywhere out to 7 pm. Which means you take the good with the bad weather changes that happen through the day.
Mike had the best day of our lot now 4 down followed close by John S @5 down. 1000yds in the mix tomorrow. Just returned from a drink and nibble session at the Canada House where we were invited. Mostly overseas teams and top brass. Lots of good wishes to all Kiwis from the different groups. Picture is John S in his threesome at 900 yds.

Shooting in threes at 900 yds